GEN6 is a part-funded EC (CIP-ICT-PSP-2011-297239) project. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project''s information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
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Future Internet Assembly

During the Future Internet Assembly in Dublin, May 2013, more exacly on the afternoon of 7th, GEN6 will be offering a workshop.

IPv6 going >>live<<

Since IPv4 addresses are no longer available, it is likely that you are already thinking how to transition your network to IPv6. But where to start? GEN6 can help if you work in eGovernment (but not only there) and are thinking ahead for your infrastructure.

This workshop will give you an insight on how to transit to IPv6 your existing public infrastructures and services. In GEN6, we have experience from six on-going projects. We will show you how to start the transition to v6 on the local scale: your data center, your website or your sensor network. If you think big, we can show you how to fit your v6-ready services within Europe-wide networks for cross-border services. We will show you how IPv6 can be invaluable in emergency communication systems, where seamless connectivity and reachability can help save lives.

Join us for several presentations and live demonstrations!

For registration, use the Future Internet Assembly site.

Agenda and complete information of the workshop available here.



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