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IPv6 Pilot in Turkey: eGovernment Services with IPv6

Description of the pilot:

ULAKBIM (The Turkish Academic Network and Information Centre), TURKSAT and ICTA (Information and Communication Technologies Authority) agreed on enabling IPv6 on eGovernment Gateway (EGG) of Turkey. This pilot will realize the “Stimulating IPv6 upgrades of public networks and e-Government services” aim of the specified call.

eGovernment Gateway (EGG) is an existing service and offers around 200 e-Government services to more than 13 million registered users. Around 50.000 new citizens are subscribing to EGG every day. These numbers point out the public interest on this service and reveal possible wide impact of enabling IPv6 on such a service. The experience to be gained by realization of such a big scale pilot in the scope of the project would derive best practices, guidelines, methodologies and toolkits for the transition of e-Government services all around Europe.

The main goal throughout the pilot is to make EGG portal and candidate EGG services IPv6 enabled. In order to investigate each possible case interactively through the pilot, three different service status for the participating institutions are defined namely:

  • EGG included “Needs update” services are the ones that require only software upgrades (i.e applications, operating systems).
  • EGG included “Needs upgrade” services require both hardware and software updates.
  • EGG excluded services are the public services that are not yet part of the EGG.

The proposed piloting activity is also in parallel with the “Turkey’s Plan for Public Sector’s Transition to IPv6”. According to the plan published in December 2010, governmental agencies shall make their all Internet based services open to public access IPv6 compatible until August 31st, 2013


The participants of this pilot are selected to achieve the objective according to their current roles in e-Government service and their previous efforts on IPv6 transition activities in Turkey. Turkish Pilot coordinators are TURKSAT, TUBİTAK ULAKBİM.

After a feasibility study the suitable institutions are chosen as stated in the following listing respctively to each case defined in the previous section:

  • PTT (The General Directories of Post and Telegraph organization)
  • SGK (Social Security Instituion)

Current status (October 2012):

Turkish e-Government Gateway has been IPv6 enabled since May. Public Agency's Integration Box is capable to G2G and G2C Integrations. Its a hardware solution to simplify all of the e-Government integrations. It will support IPv6. Negotiations with the chosen institutions (PTT, SGK and ULAKBIM) are ongoing in order to complete the steps to make the connections between TURKSAT and the institutions IPv6 enabled.

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