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IPv6 Pilot in Germany: eGovernment Services with IPv6

Description of the pilot:

Citkomm is operating an application backbone for several governmental applications. Several municipal governments use the applications. There are offered as public E-Government services as well as backend services for the internal administration. The local infrastructure on the customer site is based on Microsoft technologies commonly. On the server site a significant part of the production uses Linux based servers. The users are connected over MPLS or Internet VPN. A Connection to the national government backbone ‘Deutschland Online Infrastruktur – DOI’ is enabled, also the European Backbone sTESTA can be reached. The pilot aims to the transition of the data centre infrastructure with several applications to an IPv6 enabled dual-stack scenario. The infrastructure shall be implemented under the address space de.government and will be connected to the DOI network of German administrations. Besides the specific application itself, this requires the network and the local infrastructure down to the clients to be IPv6 enabled as well. The work on the application backbone will be differentiated between the inner backbone, providing specific application services to the employees of the local government, and the outer backbone – commonly known as DMZ – offering e-government services, portals and web presentations to the citizens.

The following working areas have been indentified for the pilot:

  • Network Infrastructure
  • Application Backbone Infrastructure
  • Customer Environment
  • Migrating from TLS/SSL to IPSec

The applications themselves are from different sources. Applications with specific focus on municipal applications are often supplied by small companies. Therefore the vendor support for IPv6 transition will widely differ between the suppliers. Citkomm uses the pilot to experience weather an application can be enabled for IPv6 natively or if an appropriate workaround for the application may be available.

At the end of the pilot a local governmental workstation should be enabled to use only IPv6 to connect to the applications being relevant for the pilot.

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