GEN6 is a part-funded EC (CIP-ICT-PSP-2011-297239) project. The information/views generated by the project may not completely align with those of the individual participating companies or The European Community. Although the project''s information/views are considered accurate no responsibility will be accepted for their subsequent use.
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IPv6-readiness for cross-border services

Description of the pilot:

The development of new eGovernment cross-border services that paves the way to strengthen of the Single-Market and the mobility of EU citizens is one of the cornerstones of “The European eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015” published in December 2010. As in the past, the needed interoperability among the MS to ensure a secure and efficient implementation of these services depends on the sTESTA network, which is the linking element between the eGovernment infrastructures and networks deployed in the Member States for their own administrative duties.

The development and deployment of new eGovernment cross-border services are going to be done in parallel with IPv6 Transition. Therefore, it is critical to ensure a seamless interoperability between MS in a foreseen uneven IPv6 Transition scenario. The project will validate different interoperability scenarios among MS and European Institutions, each of them with a different degree of IPv6 transition. We start from an early stage of an IPv4-only sTESTA, with MS connected with their IPv6-ready infrastructures. Over this scenario we will validate cross-border services, existing or developed ad-hoc, among MS and the European Commission (even assuming it has not yet completed the transition to IPv6). Scenarios related to the interoperability between IPv4 MS networks and the IPv6-ready networks of the consortium partners will also be tested. In this scenario EU-wide eIDM will be involved in order to ensure identification in cross-border services.

This pilot will be build based on part of the results of the national pilots developed by Germany and Spain (see A3.1 and A3.2). The pilot will be also open to an active collaboration with the European Commission (DIGIT) in order to evaluate the transition to IPv6 of the sTESTA network and provide in collaboration with them strategies for IPv6 support on the LSP (Large Scale Pilots). We also expect that other national pilots could also be tested over the setup done by this activity, broadening the impact of the cross-border component across most of the project pilots and partners.

The pilot as a consequence will include among others the following results:

  • Identification the needed technical arrangements for the interoperability of the IPv6 transition national strategies.
  • Arrange with the Commission the active (IPv6 natively available) or passive (IPv6 not ready, so tunnels to be used) role of sTESTA in the pilot depending on its IPv6-readiness.
  • Prepare transition scenarios for allowing PEPs being IPv6 enable creating and IPv6 eID-related mechanisms for cross-border and cross-sector identification & authentication widely usable in EU for European e-ID authentication based on STORK and follow-up STORK2.0.
  • Prepare different transition scenarios with a mix environment of IPv4 and IPv6 clouds in the government tiers (national, regional, universities, …), and identification of a set of basic services provided by the participants in the pilot to be tested in the different scenarios.
  • Test the interoperability scenarios and compile a troubleshooting manual, roadmap of actions developed and guidelines.
  • Incentive the usage of IPv6 on public administration by means of learning by examples based on the experience on relevant European universities strategies to IPv6.

Participants in the pilot:

  • Consulintel (Spain)
  • Ministerio de Política Territorial y Administración Pública (MPTYAP, Spain)
  • Universidad de Murcia (Spain)
  • Fraunhofer (Germany)
  • Citkomm (Germany)


Time frame:

This pilot will start in month 12 and run until M36

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